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Saving Up To 50% ON YOUR INSURANCE page3

Remember when buying a car, the bigger the engine, the more the insurance. Don't be too quick to put more horsepower in the car than you need. You may find yourself paying a large price for this pleasure when it comes to insuring the vehicle.

Studies show certain cars are most susceptible to theft or accidents. These cars have surcharges applied to them. This only applies to the collision and comprehensive portion of your insurance, and only amounts to about a 10% increase at the most. A listing of the rate of theft and accidents (including deaths) for every car manufactured is made available in a free brochure from The Institute for Highway Safety, 1005 North Glebe Road, Arlington, VA 22201.

If an accident has forced you into a high-risk category, a leasing company (if you are leasing a car) may provide insurance coverage for much less.

One of the heaviest premiums is on business use or travel to work. If you don't use your car for these, activities make sure the insurance company knows that. It could save you a lot of money. If you are a two car family, try to use one for work and the other for occasional driving.



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