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Approach The Owner part 2
This can not be done with all auto parts stores. Most large franchises have strict pricing policies in their franchise agreement, and cannot break them without accepting the possible consequences with the franchiser. However, if these stores are owner-operated, you will find that many of them will bend the rules if you talk to the owner personally. It can't hurt to ask. As a rule, almost any small operation that is owner-operated will agree to your terms.
If your offer to an auto parts store you really would like to deal with gets rejected, there is a very powerful closing statement that may sway their decision. "No, you say? I am surprised. My next stop is your competitor. I can't believe you would give this business to them on a silver platter. Would you rather have your competition making the extra $2,000 a year instead of you"?
Some speed shops and auto parts stores have a machine shop built in to the operation. If you decided to negotiate a deal with one of these shops, make sure the dealer price includes discounts at the machine shop as well, since you might have to use them again.
If you decide you would like to sell some parts to your friends for a little profit, you should start a business from your home that sells auto parts and accessories. There is a little paperwork involved, and it will take some of your time, but you now not only save money on your purchases and make a few bucks from your friends, but most importantly...