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Get Better Gas Mileage
It is much easier to increase your fuel mileage than you think. There are many things that affect your mileage in a small way, but when you put them together, they can save you $300 - $700 a year in gas. That could buy you a nice little vacation, couldn't it? I will give you a lot of suggestions; you can pick the ones that suit you the best.
The first thing is speed. Most people do not know that the smallest difference in traveling speed has a very large effect on fuel economy. Traveling at 65 mph (104 kph) instead of 55 mph (88 kph) can waste 17% more fuel. That alone can add a few hundred dollars to your annual fuel bill.
Here are some points:
- Minimize daily warm ups to 30 seconds. Even at sub-zero temperatures, 30 seconds is all a car needs if you don't race away, and make sure to drive the car slowly for the first few miles. The rest of the time you're wasting gas.
- Higher octane gas (super unleaded) does not give your car more power or better fuel mileage. It means your car is more resistant to detonation. Purchasing the more expensive, higher octane, premium fuel provides no benefit to most cars. The only reason to use high octane gas is if your car is starting to "ping" (which is also called engine knock). This knock will not only rob your car of power and fuel mileage, but more importantly, depending on the severity, can ruin your engine over time.