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Getting Better Gas Milage

- On the highway, use cruise control to reduce gas consumption. It helps maintain a steady speed and therefore better gas mileage.

- Don't fill the gas tank to the brim. Stop when the pump clicks off. Usually, tanks have overfill tubes and when you go around a corner with an overfilled tank, some gas spills out through this tube.

- Check tires regularly. Under-inflated tires can run hot and shorten the life of the tire and rob you of mileage - up to 4% for every 5 pounds it is under-inflated. Air expands with heat, so when inflating a warm tire add about 4-5 psi to your recommended tire pressure. In addition, for every 10% your tire is deflated, you increase tire wear 15%.

- Some people over inflate their tires to get less rolling resistance and therefore better fuel economy. It does work, but there is a catch. You can get premature and uneven tire wear and end up replacing your tires much sooner than normal. The money you save on gas is more or less the same as the added expense of replacing your tires much sooner.



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