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Getting Better Gas Milage

- Cars are usually "air-starved" at high speed. If you do a lot of highway driving it may be worth your while to use a homemade air ram. Purchase a length of air duct, similar to the type under the dash of your car, and attach one open end behind the front grill so air is forced into the tube. Cut an opening in the air cleaner intake and attach the other end of the air duct with sheet metal screws there (you can use duct tape to seal the connection if you wish). This will achieve better fuel mileage at highway driving speeds if your engine is "air- starved".

- A fantastic tip used by truckers everywhere is to purchase gas on Indian reserves. You can buy gas at 25

- 40% discount because there are no taxes on gas on the reserves. Most maps mark Indian reserves clearly, and many times they are just a few miles from major interstates. Plan your trip to stop and fill up on reserves and save big dollars.

- Split Fire® plugs claim to give you 4.8% better gas mileage and a smoother running engine. Although you will probably see a slight increase in gas mileage, it is not guaranteed. I don't think it will be as high as 4.8%. We didn't notice any significant difference in our test car, but feel free to try it; maybe you will find a difference.



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