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Getting Better Gas Milage - Converting to propane is another alternative. Although this is an expensive project, you will save approximately 30 - 50% on your present fuel cost (depending on local propane fuel prices). With this type of saving, the conversion process could easily pay for itself within a year. After that, you are saving 30 - 50% for doing absolutely nothing but using an alternative fuel. Because propane is considered a cleaner fuel, it can mean smoother acceleration and idling, reduced engine maintenance, overall improved performance and less air pollution (carbon dioxide, is partially responsible for the greenhouse effect). As you may already know, most taxi cabs are converting to propane or natural gas. Tokyo has been using this system to improve air quality for many years now. - Consider buying a diesel engine next time you are in the market for a new car. The disadvantages are: the initial purchase price is more, it's noisier and has less horsepower. The advantages are: much greater fuel economy (usually 25 - 30%), higher resale value and maintenance is lower due to a more simple engine. The best customer for a diesel engine is one who drives more than 15,000 miles a year. If lack of power is a concern, try a turbo diesel. They have about the same horsepower as a gas engine of the same size. Expect to get poorer mileage on short trips, in cold weather, or heavy traffic - this is normal.
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