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Are You Really Speeding? part5

If You Drive Smart you Can avoid these traps

Another way of avoiding radar traps is to use what I call a "runner". If you are in a hurry and someone goes zipping past you, let him get 1/8 of a mile ahead and move up to his speed. He will be caught in any speed traps ahead. Although this is not a foolproof system (sometimes there will be two officers waiting for both him and you), it generally works great.

Most police officers will ignore speeds slightly over the posted limit. Many have threshold speeds. These are speeds in which you may be over the speed limit, but they will not stop you. For example in many states, although the speed limit is 55 mph on a four lane highway, you are not likely to get stopped unless you are above 65 mph. But beware; that threshold speed may drop to 60 mph on a tighter two lane highway.

Be on the lookout for police on crests of hills, around corners, on the top of overpasses (near an exit ramp), behind overpasses, obstructions, parked cars and on the side of the road with their trunk open (the trunk lip is used to hide their patrol lights). Learn to recognize these traps and check your speed accordingly.


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